Running C5 locally

Hi Guys,

I'm looking for a CMS that fits the front end needs of a new startup.

Im not too technical, so can someone tell me how I can run it locally (my mac) so I can try it out?


katz515 replied on at Permalink Reply
use MAMP.

And save concrete5 files under


after you installed the software....

Setting up MySQL
You need to create a database using phpMyAdmin.
Which you can go via clicking "Open start page" button.

Safari will launch. (Or the start page will show up when you start the MAMP)

In phpMyAdmin, you see "Create Database".

Just type any name, and create database. And remember the name.

And default MySQL username and password is root. You need to remember this.

Setting up MySQL
And set php version 5 at the preferences.

At MAMP control panel, click "Preference" and click "PHP" tab. Select to run PHP5.

Also you need to edit a text configuration file localted at /Application/MAMP/conf/php5/php.ini

Around line 232, you will see "memory_limit" (or search the word.

Change the memory_limit to 64MB, and save the text file. And restart the MAMP by clicking "Stop Servers" and then "Start Servers"

Copy concrete5 onto the directory
Now, download concrete5 pakackage, and unzip, and save under...


I usually create the folder like "concrete5" so that I can install multiple concrete5 sites in nice way.

I have English concrete5 and Japanese concrete5.

So I have created (e.g....)


So that I can organize my MAMP directory and run multiple concrete5 test site.

Anyway, copy the concrete5 files on to the directory...


So you need to keep MAMP server running all the time... and launch Safari or Firefox... whatever browser you use in your Mac...

The address will be

/Application/MAMP/htdoc/ =http://localhost/

So if you created "concrete5" folder... the address will be


And if everything goes well... the installation screen will show up...

You will type your previously-created mysql database name, mysql username and password.. the rest... you can find the documentation....

Also you need to learn how to use MySQL database... but you may want to take a step by step... and there is a lot of online resources out there to learn about how to use phpMyAdmin...

Good luck
frz replied on at Permalink Reply