Safe Overrides - Recommended implementation??
I've been very impressed with Concrete5 - What an awesome CMS!
We now want to try and use it as a basis for a multi-domain / website solution on our servers. In your Developer tour you have a whole section entitled "Safe Overrides" which adresses exactly what we want to do:
"The core directory can be centralized if you're hosting lots of sites on a server."
I assume that this is exactly what you are doing with your own 1-click insta-setup wizard - and we want to do something similar for our customers - i.e. make it easy for them to set up a site with some default settings and templates set up for them, all ready to go.
Now, I was a bit surprised that you hadn't written up guidelines or recommendations concerning setting up C5 like this as you highlight it in your feature list.... So my question is:
How to go about doing this most efficiently? How did you set things up?
What we've loosely discussed over here is having the core C5 directory placed on the server somewhere and use symbolic links to tie all our client sites to a single C5 core - then have a script which sets up the users directories, FTP, default database, rights etc. etc.
I guess what I'd like are any hints or tips that might save us time and/or making silly mistakes in this process... Since, after all, you guys already did this once :)
Thanks for any feedback you might have!
- Psst
We now want to try and use it as a basis for a multi-domain / website solution on our servers. In your Developer tour you have a whole section entitled "Safe Overrides" which adresses exactly what we want to do:
"The core directory can be centralized if you're hosting lots of sites on a server."
I assume that this is exactly what you are doing with your own 1-click insta-setup wizard - and we want to do something similar for our customers - i.e. make it easy for them to set up a site with some default settings and templates set up for them, all ready to go.
Now, I was a bit surprised that you hadn't written up guidelines or recommendations concerning setting up C5 like this as you highlight it in your feature list.... So my question is:
How to go about doing this most efficiently? How did you set things up?
What we've loosely discussed over here is having the core C5 directory placed on the server somewhere and use symbolic links to tie all our client sites to a single C5 core - then have a script which sets up the users directories, FTP, default database, rights etc. etc.
I guess what I'd like are any hints or tips that might save us time and/or making silly mistakes in this process... Since, after all, you guys already did this once :)
Thanks for any feedback you might have!
- Psst
i can tell you that you can create symlinks for the /concrete directory and use it for all your sites, also known as 1 core directory,