Saving data to database from dashboard singlepage
Im developing Concrete5 package which has single_page for generating QRcodes/shorten url/analytics campaing url.
How can i save data generated in dashboard (some text fields), so they will be accessible for block of this package later ?
So basicly i want to save form results in database, but i want to do it in "concrete5 way". So far I have done some blocks for my clients, but each of them was using database generated from db.xml from block.
Looking forward for advices.
Im developing Concrete5 package which has single_page for generating QRcodes/shorten url/analytics campaing url.
How can i save data generated in dashboard (some text fields), so they will be accessible for block of this package later ?
So basicly i want to save form results in database, but i want to do it in "concrete5 way". So far I have done some blocks for my clients, but each of them was using database generated from db.xml from block.
Looking forward for advices.