Saving formdata in single pages

I have a single page.
On that page is a couple of text row that I need to edit.
I gotten the data from the database and when I go into edit mode I show an input with the data so that it can be edited. (see below)
<?php if ($c->isEditMode()) { ?><input name="lable_1" value="<?php echo $r['lable_1']; ?>"><?php } else { echo $r['lable_1'];} ?>

Now I'v searched the documentation but haven't found anything regardig how to make concrete5 show the "Publish" button and send my custom UPDATE-query to the database. Does anyone have any idea of where I should continue reading?

Mr Lindau

MrLindau replied on at Permalink Reply
Never mind... I didn't think this through. I solved it another way. Much simpler and using basic blocks.

But if someone knows how this is done, then maybe for future reference.