scrolling ticker
I've downloaded and installed the free scrolling ticker. But I don't see it in my list of blocks.
How do i add this to my page.
I've downloaded and installed the free scrolling ticker. But I don't see it in my list of blocks.
How do i add this to my page.

The scrolling ticker add-on is a package of custom templates for the Page List block and the RSS Displayer block. Add a Page List or RSS Displayer block, save it. Then click on it, select custom template and apply the "ticker" template.
I'm a newbee. This answer is to cryptic for me. Can you be more specific where to click/look
You add/save one of the blocks @enlil lists, then while the page is still in edit mode click 'custom templates' and select the ticker template.
I don't have the ticker template as a choice?
I will investigate...
Seems to be working good for me. Have you installed the package via Dashboard > Install ?
Yep. And it is visible in my theme list see attached file.
ok, once installed you should be able to place either a "Content" block or an "RSS Displayer" block to a page and then apply the ticker template to that block. Is this not working for you?
Sorry but no. I've deinstalled and reinstalled the whole part and that doesn't help.
When i added a content block and want to use a differend theme it tells me there is no theme.
I'm out off possibilitys.
When i added a content block and want to use a differend theme it tells me there is no theme.
I'm out off possibilitys.
Brain fart alert! That was supposed to be "Page List" and not "Content" above :|
My apologies. Does it work for you with the page list block??
My apologies. Does it work for you with the page list block??
Yes, it works.
thank you very much.
thank you very much.