Search box in flash <b>V</b> C5
Dear ;)
I would like to ask you if you know anything about the way haw I can point the .swf ( to this file:
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied.")); ?>
<?php if (isset($error)) { ?>
<?php echo $error?><br/><br/>
<?php } ?>
<form action="<?php echo $this->url( $resultTargetURL )?>" method="get" id="search">
<label><input type="text" size="42" value="<?php echo htmlentities($query, ENT_COMPAT, APP_CHARSET)?>" name="query" /></label>
<input type="image" src="" name="sa" value="Szukaj" />
$tt = Loader::helper('text');
if (strlen($query)) {
if(count($results)==0){ ?>
<h4 style="margin-top:29px"><?php echo t('Prosze wybrac inny wyraz lub fraze.')?></h4>
<?php }else{ ?>
<div id="searchResults">
<?php foreach($results as $r) {
$currentPageBody = $this->controller->highlightedExtendedMarkup($r->getBodyContent(), $query);?>
<div class="searchResult">
<h2><a href="<?php echo $r->getPath()?>"><?php echo $r->getName()?></a></h2>
<?php echo ($currentPageBody ? $currentPageBody .'<br />' : '')?>
<?php echo $this->controller->highlightedMarkup($tt->shortText($r->getDescription()),$query)?>
<?php }//foreach search result ?>
if($paginator && strlen($paginator->getPages())>0){ ?>
<div class="pagination">
<span class="pageLeft"><?php echo $paginator->getPrevious()?></span>
<span class="pageRight"><?php echo $paginator->getNext()?></span>
<?php echo $paginator->getPages()?>
<?php } ?>
} //results found
I would like to ask you if you know anything about the way haw I can point the .swf ( to this file:
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied.")); ?>
<?php if (isset($error)) { ?>
<?php echo $error?><br/><br/>
<?php } ?>
<form action="<?php echo $this->url( $resultTargetURL )?>" method="get" id="search">
<label><input type="text" size="42" value="<?php echo htmlentities($query, ENT_COMPAT, APP_CHARSET)?>" name="query" /></label>
<input type="image" src="" name="sa" value="Szukaj" />
$tt = Loader::helper('text');
if (strlen($query)) {
if(count($results)==0){ ?>
<h4 style="margin-top:29px"><?php echo t('Prosze wybrac inny wyraz lub fraze.')?></h4>
<?php }else{ ?>
<div id="searchResults">
<?php foreach($results as $r) {
$currentPageBody = $this->controller->highlightedExtendedMarkup($r->getBodyContent(), $query);?>
<div class="searchResult">
<h2><a href="<?php echo $r->getPath()?>"><?php echo $r->getName()?></a></h2>
<?php echo ($currentPageBody ? $currentPageBody .'<br />' : '')?>
<?php echo $this->controller->highlightedMarkup($tt->shortText($r->getDescription()),$query)?>
<?php }//foreach search result ?>
if($paginator && strlen($paginator->getPages())>0){ ?>
<div class="pagination">
<span class="pageLeft"><?php echo $paginator->getPrevious()?></span>
<span class="pageRight"><?php echo $paginator->getNext()?></span>
<?php echo $paginator->getPages()?>
<?php } ?>
} //results found