Search For Specific Words

Hi All,

Wonder if anyone can help, I have a search related conundrum... Im having difficulty figuring out how customise the search function.

When I search for specific words such as "ink" anything containing the word "ink" is on page 2, buried underneath results like "Shrink" "Think" and "Link". Is there a way to make exact word matches appear at the top of the search results?

Thanks in advance,

imagoit replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Ok, I have kind of answered my own question here. Although it still hasn't completed resolved my question.

If I surround the search word with the space character either side " ink " it excludes the non exact matches such as "Drink", great.

BUT the search still shows a number of false positives which don't appear to contain the letters "ink" at all. see screenshot. Why have they appeared?
jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

a couple of things you could try:

1. Go to Automated Jobs and re-index the Search index.

2. Check the Page description (in the Page Properties), maybe the word appears there.

imagoit replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the suggestions Jordif. Tried both neither were the cause of the problem. Any more ideas please?
jordif replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, no more ideas...

Maybe you could double check the Page Properties (maybe the word is used as a tag, or in the meta description...)

Also you could empty the cache and delete old page versions, just in case...
