Search Issues - Need some advice

We just launched out company website with Concrete5. So far everything is going smoothly except for the search. Management is not happy with how search results are returning within C5. I know there are limitations to the C5 search and wondering how everyone has found a way around them.

We have a product called "RX Rotary Union" - when searching for "RX union" no results show up at all. When searching for "union" too many results show.

Is there a way around this issue withing C5?

Are there other plug-ins available within C5 (or can someone develop one) that can make the search more robust?

How are you doing search on your C5 site? Are you using a third party like Google?

Need any advice I can get about searching.

Thanks in advance!

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
One thing that I would check before you try another solution is that you Search Index has been run.

If you go into the Dashboard -> System & Settings -> Automated Jobs (under Optimization) there is a job there called Index Search Engine what this does is index each page of your site, then when you use the Site Search it uses the information in there.

If Last Run is Never (or from before many of your pages were created) that should be run and then try your site search again (it might need to be run several times if you have a very large site as it only does so many pages at a time).

That can also be run as a Cron if you have lots of pages with changing content, or new pages will be added all the time.