Secure Page for Specific Download

Hi there.
I have a specific request which I have been unable to answer from my searches so far.
I need to create a page on my site where users can download company resources files eg Non-Disclosure Documents.
I'd like to send one link to one page that when they arrive at the page they are asked for a password to enable viewing of the page - I will give them the PW seperately.
Once they get to that page the files they download don't need to be passworded, just the page it self.
I note from searching that client areas may be one way however I am dealing with people from different countries whose English language skills are not so good, so I wanted to make this ultra easy and simple.
Any help anyone can give would be much appreciated, please note that this is the first time i have used Concrete, while I love it, it doesn't yet love me - I am a novice so the screencasts didn't help!

Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Would setting "Advance Permissions" and designating page permissions of that particular page as visible to only members that log in as a pre-determined user group work?

(I believe this would also allow "time release permissions" to be used... allowing you to set access per group at specific times)
PauloCarvalhoDesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey MrPOP,
This anwsers your question!