Select option value missing in form output
Hi guys,
I'm building a website where I need to make a simple function that when you click on a button a option in the form is selected. I do this with jQuery but it needs a value in the from and Concrete5 does not show any value in the html output so I can't get my jQuery to work.
This should be the output, but the value="" is missing in the output HTML at the moment. With other options, like checkbox, it does get the value output.
And this is the jQuery code
I'm using the Tableless form add-on to build the form with div's.
I'm building a website where I need to make a simple function that when you click on a button a option in the form is selected. I do this with jQuery but it needs a value in the from and Concrete5 does not show any value in the html output so I can't get my jQuery to work.
This should be the output, but the value="" is missing in the output HTML at the moment. With other options, like checkbox, it does get the value output.
<select id="question"> <option value="question1"> question 1</option> <option value="question2"> question 1</option> <option value="question3"> question 2</option> <option value="question4"> question 3</option> </select>
And this is the jQuery code
$( "h1" ).click(function() { $("#question").val("question2"); });
I'm using the Tableless form add-on to build the form with div's.
This is a good work-around, thanks! This only works until jQuery version 1.8.2 dough, but that's fine for this project. Do you know a way to add value"" to a option element in the form output aswel, that might be a nice solution for other projects and jQuery upgrades.
$('#question>option:eq(1)').attr('selected', true);