Selected Pages in Footer Autonav

How can I create a footer navigation with autonav hardcoded?

I tried the way by using "displayPagesCID" (e.g. "FooterNav") and set the footer sites as a subpage of "FooterNav". It works fine, but than I got the url .../footernav/contact so this isn't the solution.

I find a tutorial ( but this seems not to be for v5.8.1?!

Any ideas?

Thanks alot!

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi machomaaan,

I believe this tutorial is still valid:

As a side note, hard coded blocks are not cached, so it is generally recommended to avoid hard coding them, instead use an area/global area.
machomaaan replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you.

I already read this article, but I don't understand how to show selected pages in AutoNav (FooterNav).

I can create

- Footer 1
- Footer 2
- Footer 3

but then the url is "SITE-URL/FooterNav/Footer 1"
I only want to show "SITE-URL/Footer 1"

How can I do this by AutoNav?

Thank you.