Server-side Install

I am quite impressed with what I have seen so far in C5. Rather than make a selected few pages accessible to 'Users" I am contemplating to C5-a-lise the entire site.

What is the current best practice (speed/SEO optimisation etc) for the directory install and index.html (default.php??) accessibility?


core77 replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
What do you mean exactly with 'directory install and index.html'?

Also check this:
syntagm replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you.
I follwed the link and the information is extremely useful.

I am new to C5.
At this point default.php seems to be the platform from which everything happens. Index.php happens (mostly) in the background.

C5 installed as a directory /conc in public_html.
My calls either default.php or index.php (not sure which and would like to read more)

The relevant file can sit at root level (by which I mean in public_html) or at subdir level i.e. /conc.

What is the best practice as far as this is concerned?
Does it have SEO implications?
Should I have something other than default.php or is it the equivalent of index.html?

goldhat replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't see a question here, what are trying to achieve? If you're new to C5 and installing for the first time, do a "normal install" first following regular instructions for install. You can figure out something different later if you need to.

What is this idea you have about default.php being the platform? Default.php is the default page template that sits inside a theme, which is the presentation layer of C5. So it's an inner part of the system, not the main deal at all. Like many systems C5 uses a single file (index.php) to route all requests. Now if I do understand you want to have C5 located at public_html/conc, but then run it at the root of the site, a level above it? Why do you need to that, rather than installing it directly into the root?
syntagm replied on at Permalink Reply
It fine, relax. If you don't see the question it really does not matter. Thanks.
core77 replied on at Permalink Reply
Don't think too much about one special file :-) check the concrete5 youtube channel. There's a really good session about building templates. After that you really understand the thing with default.php and other files!

Point your domain to, activate 'pretty urls' in dashboard and do the 10 things from the above mentioned links. Then you have done a lot for seo for the first moment ;-) I want to say: The rest of seo you do in your content with H1 tags, keywords and so on.

Another thing is to speed up your page with caching (enabled by default) and not too much http requests. A thing you have to concern in your template when you create your own.