Set page type perms on install of package

So I am writing a package that installs a page type and a few attribs on install.

When I do this all goes great except the perms of the page type defaults are all set to none... so no one except the root user to edit the defaults of the new page type.

I have scrounged around a fair amount but haven't found anything that allows me to set the perms against a page type that is just created in the system.

This code sets up the page type - but again it has no perms after the install. All perms set to none.

$theme = CollectionType::getByHandle('product');
        if(!$theme || !intval($theme->getCollectionTypeID())){
             $theme = CollectionType::add(array('ctHandle'=>'product','ctName'=>t('Product Page')),$pkg);

Any one know a good way to add permissions to that page?
I tried this but it throws a fatal saying that the assignPermissions function is not available