Set the height of the Bread Crumb Navigation Menu?
Template: Default (Plain Yogurt)
Problem: Tiny Bread Crumb Navigation Menu
I've messed with the settings in the Main.css for the various menus listed but to no avail- the Bread Crumb Menu remains tiny and mocks me.
What file has the specs for the Bread Crumb Nav? Where can I change the height?
p.s.I did manage to change the Header Navigation Menu which was excellent. So if you see this post and need to do that, let me know and I'll give you the instructions.
Problem: Tiny Bread Crumb Navigation Menu
I've messed with the settings in the Main.css for the various menus listed but to no avail- the Bread Crumb Menu remains tiny and mocks me.
What file has the specs for the Bread Crumb Nav? Where can I change the height?
p.s.I did manage to change the Header Navigation Menu which was excellent. So if you see this post and need to do that, let me know and I'll give you the instructions.
Thank you Marti! It was so encouraging to see a response. I really appreciate it. :)
Ok so this is what I did:
Step 1: I added code to declare breadcrumb as a class on the Main.css file. I added it at the bottom with the other declared classes. It was:
Step 2: Then I added a reference to that class in the breadcrumb.php file. I put in class="breadcrumb" like so:
[echo('<a class="breadcrumb" href="' . $pageLink . '" ' . $target .]
Before I added the code it looked like:
[echo('<a href="' . $pageLink . '" ' . $target .]
The good news is it changed the font of my non-selected links and made it bigger- Hurray!
The bad news is whichever page I'm on- that part of the Breadcrumb Navigation Bar- is still tiny font.
I'm a complete stranger to php so any thoughts would really be appreciated.
Ok so this is what I did:
Step 1: I added code to declare breadcrumb as a class on the Main.css file. I added it at the bottom with the other declared classes. It was:
Step 2: Then I added a reference to that class in the breadcrumb.php file. I put in class="breadcrumb" like so:
[echo('<a class="breadcrumb" href="' . $pageLink . '" ' . $target .]
Before I added the code it looked like:
[echo('<a href="' . $pageLink . '" ' . $target .]
The good news is it changed the font of my non-selected links and made it bigger- Hurray!
The bad news is whichever page I'm on- that part of the Breadcrumb Navigation Bar- is still tiny font.
I'm a complete stranger to php so any thoughts would really be appreciated.
I normally don't use breadcrumb navigation. But '.nav li.selected' is probably the class you should modify since the 'current page' is actually the 'li.selected'. But as I said, I'm not sure.
Thanks NBardales. For some reason the .nav li selected in the main.css only changed the Horizontal Header Nav. But a friend of mine introduced me to Fire Bug and long story short it came down to changing the php.
So the final fix was this: After I added the class to the main.css, I changed the php file to read:
[if ($c->getCollectionID() == $_c->getCollectionID()) {
echo('<span class="breadcrumb">'. $ni->getName(). '</span>');
} else {
echo('<a class="breadcrumb" href="' . $pageLink . '" ' . $target . '>' . $ni->getName() . '</a>');]
Now it's the size I want. Thank you everyone who commented, it makes me feel like I'm not alone trying to learn this stuff.
So the final fix was this: After I added the class to the main.css, I changed the php file to read:
[if ($c->getCollectionID() == $_c->getCollectionID()) {
echo('<span class="breadcrumb">'. $ni->getName(). '</span>');
} else {
echo('<a class="breadcrumb" href="' . $pageLink . '" ' . $target . '>' . $ni->getName() . '</a>');]
Now it's the size I want. Thank you everyone who commented, it makes me feel like I'm not alone trying to learn this stuff.
It is not talking about the same trouble but the content may be useful to you.
And if you don't know Custom Templates:
Hope it helped,