setDisplayMode() in custom attribute not working
Inside my package's install function, I have placed a code that installs custom page attributes. I am also trying to set the default display mode of 'textarea' attribute type to 'rich_text' but it's not working. Can someone figure out what I've done wrong?
public function install() { $pkg = parent::install(); BlockType::installBlockTypeFromPackage('my_package', $pkg); $at = AttributeType::getByHandle('textarea'); $key = CollectionAttributeKey::add($at, array( 'akHandle' => 'my_handle_name', 'akName' => t('My Attribute Name'), 'akIsSearchable' => 1, 'akIsSearchableIndexed' => 1, 'akIsEditable' => 0 ), $pkg); TextareaAttributeTypeController::setDisplayMode('rich_text'); }