Share this page icons
Hi there
could some one tell me, how to change the icons for the share this page block? I just could not find it out.
Thanks a lot
could some one tell me, how to change the icons for the share this page block? I just could not find it out.
Thanks a lot

These are loaded with the font awesome icons, so changing them could be a challenge. You would have to override the view.php for that block and add classes then use the CSS in your theme to override what shows up in those links with the classes.
OK. No easy way. I'll try it.
You could override the CSS for the block:
To change the facebook icon, you would target it in CSS like so:
To change the facebook icon, you would target it in CSS like so:
.ccm-block-share-this-page i.fa-facebook
You can overwrite it by using
You can overwrite it by using
.ccm-block-share-this-page i.fa-facebook:before{ content: ""; }
Dunno if this has any applicability: