Sharing add-ons in centralised installation
I was referring to this document for setting up a centralised installation:
I've managed to get this working with the core C5 directory in my localhost but I'm unable to figure out how to set up add-ons and assets (such as stylesheets, images, javascript) so that they can be shared across different sites.
I've managed to get this working with the core C5 directory in my localhost but I'm unable to figure out how to set up add-ons and assets (such as stylesheets, images, javascript) so that they can be shared across different sites.
If I have two websites, both using concrete5 installed under:
then I'd do
ln -s /home/site1/www/packages/ /home/site2/www/packages/
This will make your /home/site2/www/ installation to work with your /home/site1/www/'s packages.
There are a few things you should consider
1) It would be somewhat illegal. This would allow you to use your paid addons in multiple websites, and I believe this won't make their authors happy.
2) Don't create symlinks to your /file/ directory, this won't work correctly. Don't share your images over multiple websites. This would require you to bridge your databases or hotlink your images. Both methods just aren't cool. Use different assets for different websites for maintainability's sake.