Sharing some config value between classes
This question has a specific and general part.
Specifically, I have a package where the package controller and a single page controller both need to know a given string value. I would rather not hard code the value in both classes and either just hard code it in the package controller or even better yet hard code it in the concrete5-cif file. I tried using \Concrete\Core\Package\Package::getConfig()->set('name', 'stringvalue') and then \Concrete\Core\Page\Controller\PageController::get(), but it didn't work. What is a good way to accomplish this?
In general, what is the best way to answer these questions myself? I tried but didn't make much progress. I typically find myself including a bunch of syslog(LOG_INFO, json_encode(get_class_methods($bla))); however, feel there has to be something better.
Specifically, I have a package where the package controller and a single page controller both need to know a given string value. I would rather not hard code the value in both classes and either just hard code it in the package controller or even better yet hard code it in the concrete5-cif file. I tried using \Concrete\Core\Package\Package::getConfig()->set('name', 'stringvalue') and then \Concrete\Core\Page\Controller\PageController::get(), but it didn't work. What is a good way to accomplish this?
In general, what is the best way to answer these questions myself? I tried but didn't make much progress. I typically find myself including a bunch of syslog(LOG_INFO, json_encode(get_class_methods($bla))); however, feel there has to be something better.
Here is what I have done
Actually, after trying it, I don't get the expected results but an empty array. Do you know what I am doing wrong?
$package = Package::getByHandle('gb_manual'); $config = $package->getConfig(); $config->save('config_handle', 'value'); $config_value = $config->get('config_handle', null); syslog(LOG_ERR, json_encode($config_value)); //outputs []
Can you put your actual code here so we can see it? Based on what you posted you should be getting the string "value" back.
Thank you, and sorry I missed your request. Full code below.
<?php namespace Concrete\Package\GbManual; defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die('Access Denied.'); use Concrete\Core\Package\Package; use Concrete\Core\Asset\AssetList; class Controller extends Package { protected $pkgHandle = 'gb_manual'; protected $appVersionRequired = '8.5.1'; protected $pkgVersion = '0.0.1'; public function getPackageDescription() { return t('Adds the GB manual to your website.'); } public function getPackageName()
Viewing 15 lines of 37 lines. View entire code block.
Hi hutman,
While troubleshooting this approach, I found that this approach saves the data in the DB which isn't ideal if it is being used for a single hit to the server.
As an alternative, C5 uses Laravel's container per Then per we can do:
Initial testing is promising. Any concerns of this approach? Thanks
While troubleshooting this approach, I found that this approach saves the data in the DB which isn't ideal if it is being used for a single hit to the server.
As an alternative, C5 uses Laravel's container per Then per we can do:
$this->app->instance('', 'testdb'); $db_name = $this->app->make('');
Initial testing is promising. Any concerns of this approach? Thanks