Show Email Address on Member Page

This seems like it should be pretty easy, but I'm not seeing what I need to do. When a user registers for my site they enter an email address and I want that email address to show up on the members page. I have set the members page to be visible only to registered members who are logged in.

When I look at the User Attributes page, the email address isn't there and I can't find where to have it show up on the member profile. Is it on the User Attributes page and I'm not seeing it? If not, where do I get to that setting?

mkly replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Depending on you skill set you can override the profile sidebar by copying the file


And add something like
<br /><a href="mailto:<?php echo $profile->getUserEmail() ?>"><?php echo $profile->getUserEmail() ?></a>

under line 5(the one with the $profile->getUserName())
sogren replied on at Permalink Reply
This is exactly what I'm looking for.
