Show page description in auto nav custom template
I'm creating a custom template for the auto nav block.
I've got it returning custom page attributes no problem, but I need it to show the page description, and just can't work out the correct code required.
Is anyone able to outline how to do this please?
Sure this is straight forward enough, but I can't find this anywhere in the forums/online.
I've got it returning custom page attributes no problem, but I need it to show the page description, and just can't work out the correct code required.
Is anyone able to outline how to do this please?
Sure this is straight forward enough, but I can't find this anywhere in the forums/online.

You might need to post the code you have so far, but I believe you should be able to do something like this:
Nice one, that's spot on.
I figured it would be straightforward! You've just convinced me to stop working for the day (it's been a looong one).
I figured it would be straightforward! You've just convinced me to stop working for the day (it's been a looong one).