simple .htaccess query

hi guys,

if I want to specify a certain url in the htaccess which will not be 'friendly url'd' when executed or give me page not found what would I type into my htaccess?

say the url

any advice would be great!


ppisoban replied on at Permalink Reply
Hope you don't mind me piping up in your thread obaluba, but I have a similar problem that has me scratching my head and possibly the answer would be the same for both of us!

I recently upgraded an old html site to C5 - all went well. Originally the site had an instance of AWStats installed in its own folder in the root (/stats). After turning on the pretty URL's this folder became inaccessible (404 Error). So I guess the question is whether it's possible to put an exception into the mod_rewrite rules in the htacess file? ie if a rule states "when a request URLx comes in, rewrite it to URLy", would it be possible to change it to "when a request URLx comes in, rewrite it to URLy, unless it is URLz" and it lets the specific URLz through unchanged. Hopefully, that would let me access

If there is an easier way, please let me know!!


ppisoban replied on at Permalink Reply
I thought that I'd read ALL htaccess posts but just came across this one which has solved MY problem!

From OlliePhillips. Hope it works for you too Obaluba :)

