Simple Facebook Gallery Addon

Hi team.

Hope someone can help. I installed the Addon "Simple Facebook Gallery" and used it on my webpage. All was working fine for many weeks. I checked today and its gone down. I have not changed any settings. The album is still made public and the album ID has not changed.

Can you please provide me with a solution?

My webpage :

My Facebook Album :

Making the album ID : 205613422896022

Many thanks!

contractabseiling replied on at Permalink Reply
Please help!

I forgot to mention that its giving this error code/path :

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/seventyd/public_html/ on line 21
contractabseiling replied on at Permalink Reply
All sorted but no changes were made on my side :)
surfetish replied on at Permalink Reply
I had the same problem this last week it just stopped working. I had removed it and then noticed your note and now mine is working again after a week of being down. what would cause that? makes me think 3 times about whether or not to use a plugin in C5.
brian30 replied on at Permalink Reply
I've got the issue now,, been working forever and now boom it stopped. I uninstalled the package and reinstalled it and still nothing is working. Any help is appreciated.

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/brianew/public_html/ on line 21
Droid replied on at Permalink Reply
This issue is serious, I also have this problem now..
Can anyone please help me with this situation??
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
Has any of you having trouble posted in the add-on forum or support area to let the developer know you are having trouble?
brian30 replied on at Permalink Reply
The issue has been fixed, I'll give a few pointers.
Because of recent Facebook changes you need create a free Facebook App here
Then in the dashboard go to Simple Facebook Gallery and enter your API key and secret key,,,

After you figure this out and actually get the the keys. You have to manually download the correct version which is 1.04...The download link is at the bottom of the page for some reason the auto install, installs version 1.03.

Unzip it and upload it to your package folder via ftp,,,then go to the dashboard and install version 1.4,,,then click on dashboard you'll see the link at the bottom right for simple facebook gallery,,,then add your keys...Now your addon will work as it did before.
jswets replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there any special setting for the Facebook App?
I've created app, put in the App ID, Secret Key...
Put in the correct album number.... Double and triple checked...

I'm Getting:
Simple Facebook Gallery Error

Then it talks about the correct gallery id,,, etc.

I have copied the gallery ID between the a. and next . as it says....

contractabseiling replied on at Permalink Reply
Some of the new ones of mine are not showing up again. It says error...

Can someone respond.
