SimpleBlog Package Submitted

I just wanted to drop a note here that Phase2 has submitted the SimpleBlog package to the concrete5 marketplace. While we're awaiting approval, we thought you might like to take a look at some of the screenshots we put together and see if there was any feedback and/or feature requests you the community might like to give.

Thanks in advance for any feedback. Also, that site is a default c5 site that we install the latest version of the package onto, so feel free to take it for a "test drive" so to speak.


Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Your package is nice but I think KopeKope is a bit more powerful. I like the fact that we finally have some competition in the marketplace..

Your package isn't going to be free, is it?
joshhawthorne replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the feedback Remo.

We are planning to price it competitively in the marketplace. When we submitted SimpleBlog at the end of June, we had a different idea of the price we would probably charge. Since there is more competition now, we will probably charge less than we originally thought. While this is frustrating that the entry into the marketplace was not more streamlined, we are still committed to adding functionality and responding to community requests as well as that of our direct customers who are currently using this package in our c5 installs. Competition is good, and the ultimate winner of any competition will be the community which is how it should be.

Thanks again.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
Yup, we're looking at both and intend to add both.

I want to be sure no one thinks we're just sitting around arbitrary adding and removing fart apps like certain other software companies named after fruit. The only reason stuff isn't going up in the marketplace faster is our limited resources and need to balance this effort with other responsibilities. I need to make sure none of these add-ons collide with any others, but beyond that I think there's plenty of ways we can let everyone offer their add-ons and make it clear to the end site owner what type of support they can expect.