Single page just blank
I have created the following file:
I have uploaded it, it contains this code:
I have also created this controller file:
It contains this code:
When I visit the single page in the dashboard, it is just blank, no title or anything.
What could the issue be please?
I have created the following file:
I have uploaded it, it contains this code:
I have also created this controller file:
It contains this code:
<?php namespace Application\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard; use \Concrete\Core\Page\Controller\DashboardPageController; class MicrositeTheme extends DashboardPageController { public function on_start(){ $this->set('pageTitle','Theme'); } public function view(){ $this->set('message', 'Test Message'); } }
When I visit the single page in the dashboard, it is just blank, no title or anything.
What could the issue be please?
Have you tried refreshing the page via index.php/dashboard/pages/single ?
Yes, but it makes no difference
All caches are disabled? Clear cache and then refresh the page? The namespaces look alright to me. Directory paths and file names too...
Yes all caches are off and clearing the cache doesn't fix it.
Last resort:
- Restart PHP
- Clear cache
- Refresh single page
If it doesn't work I don't know.
- Restart PHP
- Clear cache
- Refresh single page
If it doesn't work I don't know.
Still not working, I'll pick up on this next week, it may magically fix itself over the weekend!
Deleted the page in the sitemap and then from trash and re-added it and it works now.
Try and remove the single page then and try again? Perhaps it's coupled from a package or some other thing?
-- This seemed to be the answer for madesimplemedia
-- This seemed to be the answer for madesimplemedia
Worked a treat thanks :)