Site is slow, MISER works with all pages except those with ProEvents installed
I'm in the final phases with a site I'm working on and doing everything I can to speed the thing up. I've enabled gzip and optimized all images. The final step was installing optiMISER, which works like a charm, except that it makes the following pages go kaput: and With MISER installed, none of the styles are rendered on these pages. I assume it must have something to do with the ProEvents plugin, which is installed only on these two pages. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do to solve this? I really want to use MISER on this site, because it's doing wonders for the load time, which we all know can be an issue in C5. Thanks!
I see lots of things that will slow your site down. Most of the pages call jQuery.js from Google's CDN near the bottom so that will cause problems because c5 already loads jQuery.
I also see Tweetcrete causing a PHP error. Make sure you've updated Tweetcrete to the latest version because it was breaking 5.6 sites last fall until the developer updated it.
Some of your jpgs are huge. One of the pages has a 1.4 meg image. This could easily be saved with 60% quality and shrunk to reasonable dimensions and the size would be under 200K.
You are also waiting for lots of 3rd party scripts like, mailchimp, fonts from Google, cachedcommons for the superfish js, Google plusone, Google gadgets, Facebook connect, etc. The more you rely on outside services to provide your page with stuff, the more inconsistent the loading times will be.
As mkly says, have you tried this site purely on without mizer? I had a slow site on goDaddy that I implemented every trick I could find (including mizer) and all I needed to do to fix it was to upgrade it to and move it off GoDaddy and it was lightning fast without mizer installed.
I also see Tweetcrete causing a PHP error. Make sure you've updated Tweetcrete to the latest version because it was breaking 5.6 sites last fall until the developer updated it.
Some of your jpgs are huge. One of the pages has a 1.4 meg image. This could easily be saved with 60% quality and shrunk to reasonable dimensions and the size would be under 200K.
You are also waiting for lots of 3rd party scripts like, mailchimp, fonts from Google, cachedcommons for the superfish js, Google plusone, Google gadgets, Facebook connect, etc. The more you rely on outside services to provide your page with stuff, the more inconsistent the loading times will be.
As mkly says, have you tried this site purely on without mizer? I had a slow site on goDaddy that I implemented every trick I could find (including mizer) and all I needed to do to fix it was to upgrade it to and move it off GoDaddy and it was lightning fast without mizer installed.
Not a Miser expert by a very long way, but I thought one of its actions was to replace local script with CDN delivered script.
Yes, I think I spoke too soon upon seeing all the CDN stuff however, I'm still leary on whether this actually speeds things up because on any given day, some of these CDN resources can be down. Akamai failed to deliver Twitter resources the other day for several hours. We know that concrete5's caching scheme doesn't play well with some of these services like pagespeed so I wonder how many un-debuggable 'pinch points' are being introduced by adding Mizer into the mix. If you want to spend your day tweaking your site for an extra 50 milliseconds when you really should be looking to cut 5 seconds out of the load times then go for it but nothing I've tried can really improve things that much if the server is overloaded or if the 'pipes' to the database are too slow.
Yes, I agree with all your other points. Was just the cdn I was commenting on. From my point of view, I would only use a cdn for a few key scripts. The trend of sourcing everything possible from a cdn is usually just adding unwarranted complexity.
mhawke has some good points. Although @mhawke, some of those CDN's and stuff are Miser going and post processing stuff.
I would really go through your blocks and the theme and find the offending block/content. For example if I just load
this doesn't load the theme and just a base render.
Are you hardcoding any of those blocks? Especially the Tweetecrete and Autonav. If you convert those to GlobalAreas you'll allow Block Caching to cache those and not run on every page view.
If you were me, the main thing I would do is get rid of any hardcoded blocks and move them into Global Areas. After that create a new blank page and slowly add blocks one by one until you find the one that is causing the slowdown.
Best Wishes,
I would really go through your blocks and the theme and find the offending block/content. For example if I just load
this doesn't load the theme and just a base render.
Are you hardcoding any of those blocks? Especially the Tweetecrete and Autonav. If you convert those to GlobalAreas you'll allow Block Caching to cache those and not run on every page view.
If you were me, the main thing I would do is get rid of any hardcoded blocks and move them into Global Areas. After that create a new blank page and slowly add blocks one by one until you find the one that is causing the slowdown.
Best Wishes,
I found that it depends on what is slowing down the site. If I'm not mistaken, Miser does extra pre-processing in hopes of gaining benefits from saving bandwidth but if the problem is an over-loaded server then this extra processing can actually slow down the time to first byte.
Best Wishes,