Help - Site is very slow

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My first concrete5 site is running very slow - what's going wrong?

Can someone please help?


mobilecoverage replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, the site is
mobile coverage .net
PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you using If so, I believe it's a bug of some kind. Or, it may be that your hosting is just plain slow. I have noticed that mine is slow, too.

However... I recommend waiting a few days, because the new version of Concrete (5.5) is coming out, which is much faster and easier to use! I heard it could be out today!
mobilecoverage replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks but what to do in the meantime?
mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
One really good spot to check is blocks and addons and custom code.

1) Switch back to plain yogurt(default) theme. Is it still slow?

2) Disable blocks one by one. Do you notice a load time change after one?

3) Make sure there is no typos or extra space at the end of /config/site.php

4) Do you have any blocks or custom code using php curl requests?

Unfortunately there are a trillion things that can slow down a site. Maybe if you could test that stuff out and get back to us with a lot of details. What is intalled, when it started etc, we could try to be more helpful.

Unfortunately a simple and short "My XYZ is slow" in the world of computer support never leads to a solution.
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't know where it would be appropriate to put these because this question comes up here every two weeks.

And the answers are always basically the same every time:

If you're not using opcode cache yet, I would really suggest looking into it. I use APC myself (as Andrew also suggests, maybe?).

And sometimes there might be even some 3rdparty block that is loading slow and therefore slowing down the whole loading process. This cannot be identified in any other way than debugging. However, I think that if you check Andrew's guide, it would already be a great help.

Antti / Mainio