Sitemap no longer working properly

Hi guys,

I just ran a php script on my database and now I'm going back to doing normal work on the website in Concrete, but when I try to add pages to my sitemap, they don't even appear! Under some parent pages, it says there are 5 sub-pages, but when i click the +, it only shows one file. Where are these mystery files? (system files are being displayed)

What is going on??


buildingsomethingonline replied on at Permalink Reply
What type of script did you run on your DB? Sounds like you deleted/updated over some Concrete DB tables...
hillem replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Windhack,

SO sorry for my late response. I do really appreciate your help. The script I ran was this one:

It is basically a script that converts everything to UTF-8. All my previous attempts to display chinese characters on my webpage had failed until running that script.

My sitemap is still unusable, how can i resolve this? :(
