Skinning Auto-Nav Block using template problem


The documentation says that if I apply the 'header menu' custom template to an Auto-Nav block, it will change from an unordered list to a Nav-bar style list. I am trying to do this in the main block, but it stays as an unordered list. I tried this on Plain Yogurt. It works in the header block.

Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for any help.


SVijay replied on at Permalink Reply

Try it in Header Nav area, you can get the exact output. Header menu custom template will work in Header Nav area.
andreyman3d2k replied on at Permalink Reply
It works in the header-nav and header areas, but not main. I thought it didn't matter what area it was in...
FatTony1952 replied on at Permalink Reply
You still have to style a li for that particular area you are using the header nav.