I've been looking through the marketplace for an image slider (similar to core slideshow) that displays the image description below the image. It looks like all the sliders display text as an overlay on top of the image. Does anyone know if there is one that will display below the image or that can be modified easily to do it?
If there is one that overlays the text over the image it should be able to be modified to have that text under the images. I'm not sure which one(s) your looking at so I can't say for sure.
I really like the Nivo Slider from the marketplace. Many options (I use the title under image on a couple of sites) and its rock stable & reliable
I've seen some sites that had IE problems with Nivo so have not tried it yet. Have you had any problems with IE?
To date: No problems with Nivo on my sites when viewed in IE... However, I had a terrible time with IE displaying some JPGs until realizing I hadn't saved them in web friendly RGB format (except for IE9, IE doesn't render CMYK images for me at all)