Snippet- Entering Exiting Groups
Heres my little contribution in dealing with adding and/or removing users from groups. This function will remove from all groups and add to the group that the function is called with. Pretty simple I know but I spent a few dealing with how to do this properly..
private function ChangeGroup($newgroup) { $user = User::getByUserID($this->user_id); $groups = $user->getUserGroups() ; foreach ($groups as $gID => $groupname) { $group = Group::getByID($gID); $user->exitGroup($group); } Loader::model('search/group'); $gs = new GroupSearch($_GET); $gResults = $gs->getResult(""); //blank to get all... foreach ($gResults as $g) { if ($g['gName'] == $newgroup) {
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Can you please explain how you implemented it?
Yes, do you have an example of how to implement it into the website. I am looking for functionality to allow users ability to add/remove themselves to/from any existing group. Any help is welcome, I'm not very savvy with C5 yet.