Some trivial questions templates and elements inside of a list


I am a beginner in C5, I try to adapt an existing design into Concrete5:
I have a page with an unordered list in it
each of the list-items <li> contains the same structure:

1. a <div class="blog-small-image">
2. a <div class="blog-small-text">

the image is left (float-left) and the text is right (another float-left)

For the moment, I made for each <li> (<li> included) a 'Çontent block'in which I pasted the HTML Code of each divs and the content.

I am not sure if this is the best way, as my redactors could easily mess up with the code. Also if they have to add an extra <li> it won't be possible.

How should I do this correctly ?