Some Design Concepts

Well, I helped instigate/propagate some documentation threads earlier today and it got me thinking on some design issues.

I worked on a site ( this year and I did some advanced forms. We utilized tabs with page reloads going to a secondary, tertiary and so forth. We used a couple of queries for posting of data and display of data.

Would it make sense to create a single page with this effect or iframe that sort of data structure? It certainly isn't that hard to create pages that look like that using a software like DW CS3 or CS4. The only real issue I believe it may present is when it creates its own folders for JS/CSS. This can be overcome by re-writing the paths.

Do you folks think this would be a right path of doing something like this or is there a better way with C5?


frz replied on at Permalink Reply
yes, you should totally use single pages for this.. either one with a mode/switch type statement in it, or several that point to one another.
bcarone replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Frz, thought that might be it. So let me see if I am finally starting to get a grip on this. Even though I have a theme I am using, I can insert blocks or an iframe for more complex functionality (ie, tabbed php page) and I am assuming that I could even load new tables into the C5 database or even use an external db for complicate HR calls.

Am I goin in the right direction?
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
you can make a single page from the dasbhoard. it will follow the theme, looking at default.php (i believe).
it is then accessible off the root, and is a easy way to deal with more "appy" problems.. we use them for the login and register pages out of the box.

search the developer docs about em.