Some MSIE6 fix
This css fix admin part in MSIE6 a little.
I place ie6.css at /concrete/css/ folder and include it into /concrete/css/ccm.base.css :
@import url("ie6.css");
How do I include this file outside of concrete core?
* html div#ccm-page-controls { position: absolute; } * html div#ccm-system-nav-wrapper1 { position: absolute; right: 0; } * html div#ccm-page-controls ul#ccm-system-nav { float: right; } * html ul#ccm-system-nav li a, * html ul#ccm-system-nav li span, * html ul#ccm-main-nav li a, * html ul#ccm-main-nav li span, * html ul#ccm-main-nav li.ccm-nav-rolloversOff:hover a,
Viewing 15 lines of 23 lines. View entire code block.
I place ie6.css at /concrete/css/ folder and include it into /concrete/css/ccm.base.css :
@import url("ie6.css");
How do I include this file outside of concrete core?
I like cocrete5, but 80% my clients use WindowsXP and MSIE6 thus.
I would like to give your credit in the CSS file.
Many Japanese users are still using IE6 because many of business computers cannot upgrade IE due to their business softwares.
I would like to give your credit in the CSS file.
Many Japanese users are still using IE6 because many of business computers cannot upgrade IE due to their business softwares.
Let's talk.