Something appears to be dropping my links to css files. Any ideas for me?

I just finished this site and everything was working well. I went in to make a couple of spelling corrections and then sent it to my partner for review. She told me it was messed up. I looked, and sure enough. It appears that something happened to the connection to my css files. Fonts, colors and auto-nav is messed up which also pushes things around on the site. So, my first thought was, not knowing what I could have done, to just restore a previous version and redo my simple spelling edits. But reviewing previous versions made no difference. Do I need to re-install C5? Any ideas what might be going on? Here's a link to my site:

Pritam replied on at Permalink Reply
Seems like it is not picking up your external CSS style sheet, can you paste the code you are using in the header, to see how the CSS file is mentioned.
Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Pritam for taking the time to help. jshannon had the answer for me and solved the problem.
jshannon replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I suggest that whenever you run into some odd bug, you first get your HTML in order. Use a site like , but realize that not all errors are showstoppers. For you, though, it looks like the template file (maybe view.php) has some header info and so do the included files. There are two titles, the shadow font is included twice, etc. Fix that kind of stuff first.

Second, it /appears/ that there's a c5 bug due to your use of a . in the theme name (

Can you:
1. Copy /concrete/tools/css.php to /tools/css.php
2. Open /tools/css.php and find instances of "str_replace('-','_', $au->theme)" (for me they are on lines 22 and 25, but might vary for you)
3. Replace that snippet (ie, leave rest of line alone) with:
str_replace(array('-', '.'),'_', $au->theme)

4. Clear cache for good measure and test.

Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks!! The bug fix you offered did the trick!! I think I'll leave the "." out of the theme name from now on. It's funny that it didn't show up sooner. The site was fine until I just made a couple spelling corrections. Anyway, glad it's working now!