Sort FileList by Custom Attribute
I have added a custom date attribute to files in a File Set. I need to sort the file list by this date, but I can't figure out how to sort by this date.
Are custom attributes accessible to the File Set object?
Are custom attributes accessible to the File Set object?
Thanks, but I don't think that is what I'm looking for. Won't that only return files that are from a specific date? I need to order the output of the files by date.
You can try this:
$list = new \Concrete\Core\File\FileList(); // the file set name is "Test Set" $set = \Concrete\Core\File\Set\Set::getByName('Test Set'); $list->filterBySet($set); // the file attribute handle is "file_date" // prefix the file attribute handle with "ak_" // date descending // $list->sortBy('ak_file_date', 'desc'); // date ascending $list->sortBy('ak_file_date', 'asc'); $files = $list->getResults(); foreach ($files as $file) { echo $file->getFileName() . ': ' . $file->getAttribute('file_date') . '<br>'; }
"Searching and Sorting with the FileList Object"