Sorting page-list with custom Atribute
It's seems impossible with the PageList, to sort result with a custom attribute Date.. ? That's strange !
Are you trying to do this with 5.6 or 5.7 and are you using the Page List block or the PageList within your controller/view?
I'm using 5.7 and using the PageList programmatically (in a controller)
I think you should be able to do something like this
Where your attribute handle is 'test_date' this will give you only pages where test_date is not blank and order them ascending
$pl = new PageList(); $pl->filterByAttribute('test_date', '', '<>'); $pl->sortByTestDate(); $pages = $pl->get();
Where your attribute handle is 'test_date' this will give you only pages where test_date is not blank and order them ascending
I has tryed something like this but i get this error :
An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT p.cID FROM Pages p LEFT JOIN PagePaths pp ON (p.cID = pp.cID and pp.ppIsCanonical = true) LEFT JOIN PageSearchIndex psi ON p.cID = psi.cID LEFT JOIN PageTypes pt ON p.ptID = pt.ptID INNER JOIN Collections c ON p.cID = c.cID LEFT JOIN CollectionSearchIndexAttributes csi ON c.cID = csi.cID INNER JOIN CollectionVersions cv ON p.cID = cv.cID and cvIsApproved = 1 WHERE (ak_date <> ?) AND (p.cPointerID < 1) AND (p.cIsTemplate = 0) AND (p.cIsActive = ?) AND (p.cIsSystemPage = ?) ORDER BY date asc' with params ["", true, false]: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'date' in 'order clause'
Can you provide your code?