specificity width for LAYOUT


Is there a way to add a Class or ID to a C5 Layout?
or a way to specify the width for a Layout?

add Layout with 3 columns but set it to 600px width.

thanks in advanced.

wholeo replied on at Permalink Reply
wholeo replied on at Permalink Reply
any help or feedback regarding this topic please?
planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Will you need to add multiple content to each area? If not, then perhaps you can you use the designer content add-on to build a block with the specifics you need. It's free and might be worth your while to check it out. http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/designer-content/...
wholeo replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks for the feedback @planist1!
I was trying to lock in the width of the core Layouts.
i.e.. set all the C5 Layouts to be a width of 500px

I guess to do that it may involve editing some code in the core.

I was able to achieve the desired results using the Area Splitter block.