Speed Help - multiple add-ons
Hi everyone,
My first concrete5 site is nearly ready for launch, still at a developing domain:http://postnejtak.dk/
I need your help and advice speeding up the site, foremost:
How and what should be done? Please share all your thought about the site, I know it is in danish, but please check the coding and structure.
Thank you, I've tried my best.
My first concrete5 site is nearly ready for launch, still at a developing domain:http://postnejtak.dk/
I need your help and advice speeding up the site, foremost:
How and what should be done? Please share all your thought about the site, I know it is in danish, but please check the coding and structure.
Thank you, I've tried my best.
Really you seem to be doing fairly well from a programming standpoint, file sizes are reasonably sized. I think there's really 2 things to do now. If you haven't already, enable Concrete5's Full Page Caching wherever you can, this can be accomplished from the Dashboard --> System & Settings --> Cache & Speed Settings. The next thing you can do is make sure your webhosting is fast and reliable and geographically located near the spot you want to be serving the majority of your traffic (Also having a very robust network helps loads).
Thank you,
- I have now setup the Full Page Caching.
- I am using bluehost, no servers in Europe. Therefore on their advice, I've setup a free cloudflare account for the website, hopefully it will help.
Google Pagespeed is 73 and yslow 93, how is that?
- I have now setup the Full Page Caching.
- I am using bluehost, no servers in Europe. Therefore on their advice, I've setup a free cloudflare account for the website, hopefully it will help.
Google Pagespeed is 73 and yslow 93, how is that?
Your site is loading in less than a second which is reasonable. Keep in mind that Concrete5 still does quite a bit of processing and you are on shared hosting so if your page load times are less than 1 second you are doing ok. That said the Google speed is likely comparing you to some average and so Static pages of course are going to be much faster. I think your site is behaving normally though.
Funny thing. I just installed YSlow and tested some sites and all of mine are doing better than concrete5.org (D)... seems like I am doing alright. And you also :)