Speed problems

Hi all,

First time here at the forum, and I hope you guys/girls can help me out. I made my first Concrete site and built my own theme. Problem is that the site is slow every once in a while.

The site is located at;
http://www.code3d.nl/projecten/heutink/index.php... and also at

Doesn't matter which server it's running on, the site is slow.

I'm running Concrete and the packages;
Database Case Sensitivity Migration (1.1.2), Gallery (1.8), MindNet Browser Update Notification (1.1).

Also having some custom css because I've created my own theme and using webfonts. Also ran some tests without these custom fonts but the problem stays.

Can someone help me out? I've attached a picture of webpagetest.org to show you the drama concerning speed, as you can see, without the customfonts the initial load of a page is 4,5 seconds!

Tried several things suggested below, but the problem is still there. I copied the complete site with database to a local webserver and ran into the same problems. Enabled slow query logging, but nothing is logged, so the problems isn't related to the query's I think. I also did a fresh install of concrete, imported the database and I have the same problem.

Someone please help me out!? I have no clue what to do next...

2 Attachments

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
I saw a piece of script on windows onload event.
<script type="text/javascript"> 
var $buoop = {} 
$buoop.ol = window.onload; 
 try {if ($buoop.ol) $buoop.ol();}catch (e) {} 
 var e = document.createElement("script"); 
 e.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); 
 e.setAttribute("src", "http://browser-update.org/update.js"); 

Try to remove this code & then load again your site.

sombetzki replied on at Permalink Reply
Isn't this part of the MindNet Browser Update Notification package?
I uninstalled that package, but the problem stayed.

When I'm looking in the Chrome Developer Tools, it looks like the initial wait is taking way to long, sometimes even more than 6 seconds!
After that wait, the site loads just as fast as you'd expect
ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
The script still exists there. Though it loads much faster than before.
Another few things you can do to make your site more faster.

1. Enable your cache from dashboard.
2. Stop statistics generation as it runs an extra piece of code of page load.

sombetzki replied on at Permalink Reply
1. Cache is already enabled, just emptied the cache, so the script must be gone. Checked it myself and don´t have it anymore.
2. Stopped generation of statistics.

The problem doesn´t exist all the time. Every once in a while it just really takes long to load a page. Can´t be my internet connection, cause I´m on a 100 Mbit cable connection.

Thanks for all your tips so far!
ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
I've checked it in several browser for more than 5 times. Every time it opens in a very minimum time.

sombetzki replied on at Permalink Reply
Very strange... I´m currently at the office, will test when I´m back home.. Thanks so far!
sombetzki replied on at Permalink Reply
Problem is still here. The page loads fast about 80% of the time, then it has a complete slowdown with wait times of 10 seconds at max for a page...

Is there anything else I could do? Tried everything, using the default theme, hosting on another server etc.
claarman replied on at Permalink Reply
I clicked through your site and had 2 occurances of a slow page load (7 & 9 secs). When I looked in the element inspector I saw something about addthis on top of the response, when the page was loading slowly. Might have something to do with that + the js error in the merge-177-6.js.

I hope this points you in the right direction
sombetzki replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your reply.
The addthis element is commented out (<!-- -->) in the php it was in, so this shouldn't give any problems... Will remove it completely.

Also, what are you meaning with the js error in the merge-177-6.js?
I can't find that file to be honest :$
sombetzki replied on at Permalink Reply
Copied the complete site to my local harddisk en configured a wamp setup. Site still has the same problems, so the problem isn't related to the webhoster but only in the site...
sombetzki replied on at Permalink Reply
Phallanx replied on at Permalink Reply
1. Remove "customfonts.css" (i.e all your huge eot files).

2. Enable keep-alive.

3. Add the following to your .htaccess (don't forget to "View entire code block.")
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
# compress text, html, javascript, css, xml:
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header unset Pragma
sombetzki replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your reply, but it didn't help :(

1. Remove "customfonts.css"
Did this before, and it doesn't matter.. the longest time is the wait time before the page is actually loaded. Also, when running the site on a local wampserver the problem is the same. Since the customfonts are loaded from the hdd when using the wampserver, filesize shouldn't matter.

2. Keep-alive is enabled, even though webpagetest says it's not, it is.
Check my php info file and it says: HTTP_CONNECTION keep-alive;

3. Added your code to my htacces, no change at all.

Anything else I could do?
Phallanx replied on at Permalink Reply
1. The wait time is 0.607 seconds. However, it is ~ 7 seconds to download ss.eot. The wait time is not an issue. The eot is. Eot files are really bad for performance since the page cannot begin to render until all of them have downloaded.

2. Keepalive is not enabled. This is corroborated by the connection view. This is what a connection view should look like when keep alive is enabled (notice the site itself only uses two connections) .


3. This also applies to 2.
Maybe your settings are being overridden since any changes you are making to whatever file it is, do not turn on the features. Alternatively, perhaps you do not have to Apache modules installed (mod_deflate, mod_expires and mod_headers).
sombetzki replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I had a lot of times that the wait was more then 5 seconds... Most of the time the site runs very fast, but sometimes it takes very long, only because of the wait time.

I attached a screenshot of a very long wait time I had (more then 9 sec).
sombetzki replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
And another screenshot with the eot files disabled... wait time of 7.33 seconds. If the wait time is every time under 1 second I'm happy
Phallanx replied on at Permalink Reply
Well. I now see your site loading in 3.2 seconds (instead of 8)


If the start-up time is intermittent as you say. Then it could be cache. You could try putting the following in the config.php
define('CACHE_FRONTEND_OPTIONS', serialize(array('automatic_cleaning_factor'=> 0)));

I've also seen problems where a missing "?>" at the end of the config.php seemed to slow the page view (although it's not supposed to). Especially if the site has been upgraded.

But trying to troubleshoot intermittent problems remotely is like trying to take a picture from a car at 100mph. It happens in how many views? (1 in 5, 1 in 20, 1 in 100. Once an hour, once a day?)?
sombetzki replied on at Permalink Reply
I added the string of code to config.php and added "?>" at the end, but no change. The problems occurs 1 in 10 I think. Time of day doesn't matter... If it was only at night I wouldn't be complaining ;)

I understand it's hard to troubleshoot a problem like this.
Phallanx replied on at Permalink Reply
Well. Then you are down to trawling logs and putting in timers to look for clues to try and track it down because that's all I've got for common issues. None of that can be done just by viewing a site, although the fact that you cannot enable the features I previously outlined may be a clue.
sombetzki replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, too bad, but I'm gonna look into the previous things you said and why they don't work... Maybe that will sort things out.

Thanks for all your efforts so far!
brownwingstudio replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
If your cache is on, you might try turning it off. I recently launched a site that was having major speed issues and disabling and clearing the cache solved the problem. More on my experience here:
sombetzki replied on at Permalink Reply
You, are official my Hero!
The problem is gone! The overall speed of the site is slower, but the extreme long wait times are gone! Now I can focus on overall performance boosting, but I'm very happy for now! :D

brownwingstudio replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm so glad I was able to help. That problem was driving me nuts for days, so I am thrilled to save someone else the headache. :)
sombetzki replied on at Permalink Reply
It was driving me nuts for more then just a few days ;)