Starting Point Package
I am trying to setup a custom starting point.
i want to install package from this starting point. First i got a bug met with the work around.
i have to extend the core library with this or package installation don't work :
this work but this kinda of bug?? or an expected behaviour from the core?
another bug and here i can't find a way to fix it. My package install blocks and i want to use those blocks in some page of the starting point (the package run an install function to "auto instal the block"). It look like starting point script install the page before the package. I got an error when page install. can't find the block as it's not install yet.
I do try to add the block like this in the starting point but it didn't work.
Anyone have a work around?
i want to install package from this starting point. First i got a bug met with the work around.
i have to extend the core library with this or package installation don't work :
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); class ContentImporter extends Concrete5_Library_Content_Importer { protected function importPackages(SimpleXMLElement $sx) { if (isset($sx->packages)) { foreach($sx->packages->package as $p) { $pkg = Loader::package((string)$p['handle']); $pkg->install(); } } } }
this work but this kinda of bug?? or an expected behaviour from the core?
another bug and here i can't find a way to fix it. My package install blocks and i want to use those blocks in some page of the starting point (the package run an install function to "auto instal the block"). It look like starting point script install the page before the package. I got an error when page install. can't find the block as it's not install yet.
I do try to add the block like this in the starting point but it didn't work.
<blocktypes> <blocktype handle="my_block_handle" package="my_package_handle"/> </blocktypes>
Anyone have a work around?