States / Provinces List for Germany (please add to SVN / CVS)

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can anyone add the German states ("Bundesländer") to the "states_provinces.php" (class "ListsStatesProvincesHelper", file can be found here: /concrete/helpers/states_provinces.php) -> variable "$stateProvinces"

and here is the list:

   'DE' => array(
      'BW' => 'Baden-Württemberg',
      'BY' => 'Bayern',
      'BE' => 'Berlin',
      'BB' => 'Brandenburg',
      'HB' => 'Bremen',
      'HH' => 'Hamburg',
      'HE' => 'Hessen',
      'MV' => 'Mecklenburg-Vorpommern',
      'NI' => 'Niedersachsen',
      'NW' => 'Nordrhein-Westfalen',
      'RP' => 'Rheinland-Pfalz',
      'SL' => 'Saarland',
      'SN' => 'Sachsen',

scalait replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
can someone add this please to SVN / CVS?

The shortcuts are the official ones given from the German ministry (see here: