Sticky block handle (and path)

Good people!

I accidentally used the wrong block handle when creating a custom block and subsequently fixed it - but now when viewing the block I get a loader error:

Warning: require_once(/Users/alex/MyProject/concrete/blocks/old_cta_box/controller.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Users/alex/MyProject/concrete/core/libraries/loader.php on line 217

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the block with the handle "new_cta_box" but the "old_cta_box" handle is stuck - and I can't find this in any of the Block tables in the database (i.e. "SELECT * FROM BlockTypes WHERE btHandle LIKE 'old%'" returns nothing). The cache has been cleared (and is shutoff) - and the block setting set all the cache to false. Why is this happening?

Thanks in advance for any help!


alexaalto replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
...ok - this just in: I'm blind - there was code in the controller. I have learned the hard way that Designer Content adds static references to the controller class - and this happened because I was trying to repurpose a block I had created elsewhere.

Thanks to all who wasted any time looking at this!
