Store search with mapped results?

I would like to have a site where shops are searched and mapped with a custom pin. I was thinking of using eCommerce for the module to add shops in but not sure if there is a better solution. I would also like each shop (product) to have its own page with ratings that show up in the search results (probably to the left of the map). Is there an easy solution for this that anyone can come up with? Ideas? Thanks

triplei replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I would take a look through the market place. I know there are at least two packages which do something similar to what you're looking for.

I haven't used either of those to be honest, but they may do what you're needing.

Another thought if you want to do it on your own, would be to add a lat/lng attribute to a block or page, and generate a map from that. It would certainly be more involved but would give you more control as to how things function.