Strange Error message on one page and Can't edit most pages after upgrade.

About a week ago I updated Concrete5 to the latest version. Next I attempted to update one of my sites. In the midst of updating my website, I got an error regarding the header being changed. It occurred at the very bottom of my page. This occurred right after I added or changed a layout bar. In addition, this page was extremely distorted after publishing the edits. Moreover, I had no edit bar to edit the distorted page, so, I had to delete it. I cleared my cache and recreated the page. When I added a page layout it started all over again--and I did not have the proper header (edit bar) to edit most of my pages again. Never had a problem like this for the last three years. This site is about 3 to 4 years old.

error message #1 (in edit mode and in black ink on my CLASSES page:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /hermes/waloraweb000/b1937/moo.abletogetitdone/concrete/core/libraries/view.php:978) in /hermes/waloraweb000/b1937/moo.abletogetitdone/concrete/core/libraries/view.php on line 653

error message #2 on same page at the same time(in red ink): An unexpected error occurred.
mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'isScheduled' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("SELECT jID FROM Jobs WHERE isScheduled = 1 ORDER BY jDateLastRun")

I ended up deleting this page.

I cleared the cache and had the edit bar for a moment on all pages, then added a layout bar and it start all over AGAIN. And I even got error at the bottom of the (ABOUT US) page that I did not edit when pulling up the site without signing in (so the public can see the error). I have a screen capture of this.

This error appeared when I pulled up the sight in Windows Explorer browser: mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'ctID' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select cID from Pages where 1=1 and ctID = 0 and (cFilename like '/login.php' or cFilename like '/register.php' or cFilename like '/download_file.php' or cFilename like '/profile/%' or cFilename like '/dashboard/%' or cFilename like '/page_forbidden%' or cFilename like '/page_not_found%' )")

The site does not appear stable and a crucial page is missing. I got to get these updates in and I must recreate the page I deleted now.

Environment: This occurred in Google Chrome browser and in Mozilla Firefox browser while editing. A different error occurred in Windows Explorer browser.It seems that if you add a layout it precipitates these errors. My computer is a PC in Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit operating system. It occurred the same day just hours after updating to 6.2.1. I have been using Concrete5 for over 3 years on this site, kept up with most updates and have never had this problem before.

Please help!

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mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
What version did you come from. If it was 5.4.x.x then it's possible that the theme files don't have this line right above the closing </BODY> tag.

<?php  Loader::element('footer_required'); ?>

Can you check if this line exists in your Page Type files (full.php, left_sidebar.php, etc)
liob replied on at Permalink Reply
I did come from 5.4. I think. I don't remember. I have inspected the body and I can't locate the body tag where this should insert. I only get it on that particular page. I was able to add the classes page back in today. Should I delete that page and redo it?