Strange one... header.php does not reload
This is a strange one.. unless I am missing something.
I made some changes to the header.php saved it and my changes were not applying... I checked the source and none of my changes were there either. I restarted the server (running locally), Dumped all Cache. I even renamed the header.php to header2.php... it carried on loading the old one.
Now, after a while I get an error because the header is not loading even when I renamed the file correctly....
I am assuming everything will be ok in a while but I have no idea why the changes I make do not take immediate effect...
How do I avoid this in the future?
I made some changes to the header.php saved it and my changes were not applying... I checked the source and none of my changes were there either. I restarted the server (running locally), Dumped all Cache. I even renamed the header.php to header2.php... it carried on loading the old one.
Now, after a while I get an error because the header is not loading even when I renamed the file correctly....
I am assuming everything will be ok in a while but I have no idea why the changes I make do not take immediate effect...
How do I avoid this in the future?
Hey Steve
The weird thing is that I tested it across ALL the browsers, Chrome,
Safari & FF
Still the same issue... does the Apache sever on a Mac have some sort
of caching?
p.s still not working yet
The weird thing is that I tested it across ALL the browsers, Chrome,
Safari & FF
Still the same issue... does the Apache sever on a Mac have some sort
of caching?
Warning: View::include(/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/concrete_folde/themes/ folde/elements/header.php) [view.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/concrete_folde/ updates/concrete5.4.1.1/concrete/libraries/view.php on line 330 Warning: View::include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/ Applications/MAMP/htdocs/concrete_folde/themes/folde/elements/ header.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5/ lib/php:/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/concrete_folde/libraries/3rdparty:/ Applications/MAMP/htdocs/concrete_folde/updates/concrete5.4.1.1/ concrete/config/../libraries/3rdparty') in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ concrete_folde/updates/concrete5.4.1.1/concrete/libraries/view.php on line 330
p.s still not working yet
i'd try reinstalling the theme.