Styling Ecommerce Block Product

I'm trying to style the Concrete5 Ecommerce block. I need to decrease the width of the the div with the class ccm-core-commerce-add-to-cart-image which is displayed in this code:

<div class="ccm-core-commerce-add-to-cart-image" style="width:264px">
<a class="ccm-productListImage" href="/dev/index.php/catalog/how-to-build-your-total-brand/">

However as you can see the width is assigned from an inline style which overrides any style that I add to my themes external style sheet.

Does anyone know where I can edit this width setting?


jordanlev replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
In version 2.8.6 of the addon, it's on line 112 of /packages/core_commerce/elements/product/display.php
olivercoquelin replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Jordan!

I can now see where I can hardcode the div width:

<div class="ccm-core-commerce-add-to-cart-image" <?php  if ($imageMaxWidth > 0) { ?>style="width:<?php echo $imageMaxWidth?>px"<?php  } ?>><?php echo $img?></div>

But the PHP code:

<?php echo $imageMaxWidth?>

Made me realise that this could be edited through the product block directly.