Styling the profile edit form

Hi all

I@m trying to style the profile edit form to look better in ie7 (the pile of sh*t won't accept CSS styling of form elements so I have to edit the form code directly).

I can't find where the code lives though, or what functions it is generated from.

Can anyone help? Have been digging for ages :(

jbx replied on at Permalink Reply
The profile edit form can be found in concrete/single_pages/profile/edit.php.

However, many elements are dynamically generated on that page.

I'm a little unsure as to why you can't just direct css at the page? For instance, I styled a few fields on that page just today. Which elements are you struggling with??

melat0nin replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm specifically trying to set the dimensions of the textarea element, which works fine in good browsers, but ie7 ignores the CSS.

That's the main problem, although there are other aesthetics I would like to play with if possible.
Ricalsin replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you discover the answer to this (the textarea dimensions, specifically)?