Sub-Menus not geting displayed
I have created website using Concrete5 CMS.
I have main menu
1. Home
2. About Us
3. Consultancy
4. Research
5. IT Solutions
6. Clients
7. Contact Us
The main menu IT Solutions contains sub-menu but it does not get displayed can you help me with this.
The url for the website is
I have main menu
1. Home
2. About Us
3. Consultancy
4. Research
5. IT Solutions
6. Clients
7. Contact Us
The main menu IT Solutions contains sub-menu but it does not get displayed can you help me with this.
The url for the website is

What settings do you have currently in your Auto-Nav block?
This are the following options I have selected as of now.
Display Pages - At the top level
Subpages to Display - Relevant Sub Pages
Subpage Levels - Display Sub pages to current
Display Pages - At the top level
Subpages to Display - Relevant Sub Pages
Subpage Levels - Display Sub pages to current
Take a look if your template support it now. And take a look at your auto-nav block options.
make it sure that your autonav option should have set to Display All for "Sub Pages to Display".
Display Pages - At the top level
Subpages to Display - Display All
Subpage Levels - Display All
Display Pages - At the top level
Subpages to Display - Display All
Subpage Levels - Display All
I did that but it doesn't seem to have helped me.
In one of the options, I get static sub-menu displayed. But I am looking for mouse-over option.
In one of the options, I get static sub-menu displayed. But I am looking for mouse-over option.
Ohh, this is not there by default into the autonav. If you need any dropdown menu, a lots of add-on (many are free) available into marketplace. You just need to install it and add that as your menu rather using default concrete5 autonav.
Thanks Rony for your quick reply. I am relatively new to Concrete, can you help me with free addons or any link on how to achieve this. Your assistance is very highy appreciated.
You can try this:
Though there are several other paid menus available which might be suitable for you as well.
Though there are several other paid menus available which might be suitable for you as well.
Thanks Rony, but there seems to be another problem. The links appear in the background, I am not able to choose these links.
You can check this link
You can check this link
In your themes main.css, you have the below code.
Remove position: relative; from that css and check. It will solve the issue.
#container .container-center { float: left; overflow: hidden; position: relative; width: 600px; }
Remove position: relative; from that css and check. It will solve the issue.
You were of great help Rony! This fixed one of the issues, the top horizontal menu. The top horizontal menu is now displaing properly.
I need to fix two more issues. It will be of great help if you can assist. I have listed below
1) The sub-menus in the horizontal menu is center justified. Can I make it left justified.
2) Left side menu - its drop down menu did not get fixed after I made changes to menu.css. The issue seems to still exist.
Your assitance would be of great help.
I need to fix two more issues. It will be of great help if you can assist. I have listed below
1) The sub-menus in the horizontal menu is center justified. Can I make it left justified.
2) Left side menu - its drop down menu did not get fixed after I made changes to menu.css. The issue seems to still exist.
Your assitance would be of great help.