Subpages each with different permissions than parent page possible?
Permalink 1 user found helpful
I would like my page structure & permissions to look like this:
- Parent Page (viewable by admins, guests)
-- Subpage 01 (viewable by admins, group_01)
-- Subpage 02 (viewable by admins, group_02)
-- Subpage 03 (viewable by admins, group_03)
-- Subpage 04 (viewable by admins, group_04)
-- Subpage 05 (viewable by admins, group_05)
-- Subpage 06 (viewable by admins, group_06)
I have enabled advanced permissions and played with the settings but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make this work. Whenever I add a permission on a subpage, it ads it to the parent page. Whenever I change a permission on a subpage, it affects other subpages.
Help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
- Parent Page (viewable by admins, guests)
-- Subpage 01 (viewable by admins, group_01)
-- Subpage 02 (viewable by admins, group_02)
-- Subpage 03 (viewable by admins, group_03)
-- Subpage 04 (viewable by admins, group_04)
-- Subpage 05 (viewable by admins, group_05)
-- Subpage 06 (viewable by admins, group_06)
I have enabled advanced permissions and played with the settings but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make this work. Whenever I add a permission on a subpage, it ads it to the parent page. Whenever I change a permission on a subpage, it affects other subpages.
Help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Thanks Ideasponse for nice share! the clip is really clear to understand.
Never mind... I deleted the parent page and all subpages and rebuilt them. Originally I had copied the pages to make new ones, this time I picked "Add a new page" and did each one manually. I think the copying of the pages messed it up somehow. Thanks for the support, should be fine now!
At the Page Level you have to choose Manual in the Permissions settings for each page, then you can set the View permissions for that page.
Once you can also choose Override Permissions at the Block level.
This video shows you how