Suddenly locked out of dashboard

Hey, all of a sudden, when I (admin) or any other user tries to login to the dashboard, they get this message...

(in the URL field)

Page Not Found
No page could be found at this address.

This also happens when you try to reset the password.

Was working fine until yesterday when I was dicking around in the database with sqlbuddy. I didn't change any fields or anything, but maybe I did... something...

Here's my info...

:( ?

superNin replied on at Permalink Reply
ahh lads, please! :) My version is up to date and the normal site is working fine so why can't I access the admin? It's mad.
chunksmurray replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you move/edit any of the core concrete files? Double check login.php is still under /concrete/single_pages

Do you have a recent sql dump/backup?
superNin replied on at Permalink Reply
hi chunk,

yeah, the login.php file is there...

the only thing I can think of is that I used sqlbuddy to look through the database, but I was fairly careful not to change anything.
ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
get the scope of your problem...
make sure that the same server can install a concrete5 version no problem..

then I'd go ahead and delete cache_objects in files and anything under cache (backing up of course) then trying again.

It seems like you might have a bad cached page path that creeped in there somehow.

This is a shooting from the hip guess though, but please backup and try deleting those folder contents and let us know.

When you are in development i find it is helpful to disable cache then turn it on for a few days before going live(to cache greedy queries and whatnot).
superNin replied on at Permalink Reply
Christ, I backed up the database, copied my custom theme and just nuked the whole thing. Uploaded a brand new COncrete installation and when I try to run the new installation, I'm getting....

Function mysql_connect() not found.
Your system does not appear to have MySQL available within PHP.
Support for C5 Request URLs: Concrete cannot parse the PATH_INFO or ORIG_PATH_INFO information provided by your server..


All because of this damn "in-context" editing which I was so tempted with, coz it seemed to be so client friendly.

I've had a lot of problems with this CMS, and to be honest with you, I wish I'd never started with it. Sorry, but that's the way it is.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
iv had problems with the Info path, i would check your server's configuration as the error has nothing to do with concrete5
superNin replied on at Permalink Reply
yes, well I don't understand why it was working fine and then all of a sudden, nothing. It's a shared server, belonging to the client.

I hate my life.
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
wow. Nin, I understand your frustration, but please refrain from taking the time to type swearing, cursing, or using any deity's name in vein. It's just unnecessary, and frankly not welcome.

Something has obviously changed on the server you are working on. I agree with Mike on this. Info path is a likely culprit.
superNin replied on at Permalink Reply
OK, fair enough, sorry 'bout the cursing (though I know the deity doesn't mind),..

I just wiped the entire htpdocs folder (including some suspicious stuff the client had taken it upon himself to upload, perl scripts and suchlike)...

I then uploaded wordpress, installed, no problems. So now, I've wiped it clean again and am going for a fresh install of Concrete 5.

Hope it works. My frustration is just that I really really like this CMS... I want it to work! :)
superNin replied on at Permalink Reply

Nothing on the server changed. Life is weird sometimes, but I am happy :)

There must have been some conflicting files. The client had uploaded some stats packages which required per and cgi-bin and all that stone age gear. I deleted that, and it works, so I'm going to assume that was the problem right there.
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
great news. glad to hear.